Saturday, September 15, 2012

Big things are happening in the T household.

Tomorrow, I will hit 24 weeks.

What has this done for me?

Caused me to kick everything into high gear.

Let me quickly recap some big changes that have occurred in the past week.

Toddler T started nursery school again. This year he will be going Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the mornings. Last year, he cried every single time I dropped him off until about APRIL.  His teacher always assured me that he was fine within 5 minutes. Regardless, drop offs were always tough on me. I had a fair amount of trepidation when the first day of school came this year. But my big boy, surprised me. During the mommy and me orientation hour, he asked me when I was leaving. I almost fell out of my three year old sized chair. I then figured that his initial excitement will be fleeting and geared up for an emotional drop off on his first solo day. Wrong. Again. He ran into the classroom and I actually had to call him back for my hug and kiss.   I'm guessing his excitement has to do with a few things. He's that much older. He's already got some friends in the class. Playing with friends is probably a little more excited than spending every waking moment with a Mommy dealing with a growing stomach and subsequent lower back pain. And let's be honest, he's a little boy and he now has access to a urinal.

Whatever is making him love it, I'm good with it. It truly is a win-win situation. I'm getting a few hours to myself every week and he is in a great environment to grow and learn.

Toddler T just moved into his new big boy room.  I started to get a little OCD with figuring out his bedroom situation. The options were dizzying. Bunk beds, two twin beds, full bed. Real furniture vs. something cheap that I'd be OK with it getting destroyed in a few years. Theme or no theme. I spent far too much time in stores and on the Internet. It was getting to the point that I was embarrassed at the amount of time the room switch was taking. I mean, let's be honest, there are more important things to worry about in the world than where your three year old sleeps. But, what can I say. I love things  to be all pulled together and organized.

The solution, I popped into a local furniture store on a whim last week. I saw a perfect bunk bed set with a dresser and nightstand. The bunk bed converted into two twins (perfect). AND it was cheaper than anything else I saw. AND, I could buy the floor model. Fantastic. I then raced home and told Mr. T.  He, of course was happy with the price but felt he could go back to the store and be the bottom line, bargain seeking husband to compliment my, "Oh, I love the color. It's so nice. Let's just buy it." wife. H is tactics paid off and we ended up with an even bigger discount.

So, a huge thanks to my father in law, who helped us with the furniture pick up and then my dad who helped assemble everything today. As a result, Toddler T's room is about 90% done. His toddler bed is getting dismantled and put up later today... No need to have him debating two options at bedtime. And right now, he is fast asleep in his new room.

This was a huge item on my "Preparing for Tiny T checklist" and I am sooooo relieved to have it checked off.

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